Learning Links

Friday, September 25, 2015


Please remember that if your child is ill you need to call the elementary office at 825-2021 to excuse them from school.  Also, if your child has a fever, please remember the "24 hour rule."  A child needs to be free from fever without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours before they come back to school.  Giving a child medication and sending them to school only "masks" the fever. The child may still be contagious and is exposing everyone they come into contact with. Also, the medication tends to run out and the fever shows up around lunchtime and the child feels miserable :(
SO......if we send your child home with a fever during the school day, please plan on keeping them out the next day as well.

Please make sure that you empty your child's folder each evening and go over their work with them. Also, reviewing the letter of the day and the numbers we are learning will be a big help to your child! Don't forget to send your child's folder back to school every day- we use them daily!  Thanks!

It would be very helpful if you could label your child's clothing. I keep finding sweatshirts, etc. laying around without any names in them. Many times none of the children will claim them. Putting their name in their clothing will save on the amount of clothing that ends up in our overflowing lost and found!

We will be collecting money for the Coins for Kids program through Pizza Hut during the month of October. If you have any spare change you could donate, we would greatly appreciate it for this worthy cause! Don't forget to ask grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. if they could help out! This program provides food for hungry children.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Great Start!

These last two weeks have been a great start to the school year! The children are coming along in learning the school and classroom rules and expectations!  They are also making lots of new friends and learning how to treat them with kindness.

We are in the process of learning the alphabet and numbers.  We are also having lots of fun playing in our centers and out on the playground, as well as having fun in Gym and Music.  We have made a visit to the big library and learned the rules we need to follow in that special place!

The library is having an open house this Saturday (September 19) to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Come on out for a good time- story time and crafts for the kids, prizes, and cookies and punch! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


The first day of school for McBain Elementary is Tuesday, September 8.  Kindergarten students have a shortened day the first day of school, with parents attending school with their child on this important first day.  Please bring your child to school at 10:00 am and plan on staying with them until our day is finished by 1:30 pm.  You will have a chance to meet other students and parents, explore the classroom, take a bus ride, and eat lunch with your child.  In the afternoon, the children will have an opportunity to play on the playground under the supervision of our paraprofessionals while the parents have an information session with the teacher in the classroom.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone!