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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Second Grade News April 20-28, 2017

Reading: This week our weekly theme is “Folktales About Nature.”

Spelling:  The Spelling concept for this time is r-controlled vowels eer, ere, and ear. The Spelling test is next Friday, April 28.

deer                    cheers           steer           here            jeer
near                    ear                  dear            clear           spear
store                   north              again          house         inside

High Frequency Words (sight words):  By the end of the unit, your child should be able to read these words quickly and easily. Please post this letter in a handy spot (on the fridge, etc.) and have your child practice reading through these words a couple of times each day.

again                 behind                 eyes           gone          happened
house               inside               neither          stood         young

Vocabulary: We are learning the meaning of these words. Please use these words in conversation with your child and ask him/her to tell you what they mean.

ashamed         boast             dash           holler
plenty           similarities      victory        wisdom

Math:  We have finished Unit 7 and are beginning Unit 8.  Unit 8 is mainly a Geometry unit. We will also be working with arrays, which are a way of visualizing the concept of multiplication. We will not actually be doing multiplication at this time- just becoming comfortable with the idea of grouping numbers of objects in different ways. Our Math series does not do much with the concept of subtraction with regrouping, and does not teach the U.S. Traditional form of subtraction, so I will be taking some time to teach that skill to the children as well.