Learning Links

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Don't forget next Tuesday, October 28 is our Fall Family Night!  We will have a pizza dinner from 5:30-6:00.  Then from 6:00-7:00 you will be able to take your child through the four kindergarten classrooms to do an activity in each.  I am looking forward to seeing you Tuesday night!

Halloween is coming up quickly!  When choosing your child's costume, please keep in mind to stay away from scary, gory, or violent costumes.  No weapons are allowed as part of the costume, even if they are pretend.  We will have our party on the afternoon of Friday, October 31.  We will parade with the rest of the elementary students.  The parade will take place downtown if the weather is good, or in the school hallways if the weather is bad.  Please do NOT send your child to school in their costume- we will change into them in the afternoon.  If your child's costume requires make up, please have them either go without it this time, or plan on coming in to apply the makeup yourself Friday afternoon.  If you signed up to provide something for the party, reminder notes will be coming home soon!  Thanks!

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